BBC“电视史上的里程碑”,当代艺术历史最具雄心壮志的纪录片拍摄工作,由著名艺术历史学家克拉克爵士担任编剧与主持,探讨西欧文明,而爵士更在本片中界定了人类文明发展中的几个重要阶段。《文明的轨迹》历时两年才拍摄完毕,剧组跨越13个国家,曾走访百多个城市拍摄,本纪录片首年播出时更被喻为电视史上的代表作。克拉克爵士引人入胜的对白,再加上欧洲地标动人画面,带领我们探索自罗马帝国沦亡至工业革命用其后的文明发展。这种通过艺术、音乐来呈现历史观点的做法,成为日后无数纪录片看齐并努力超越的基准。 "Kenneth Clark's sumptuous,magisterial,one-man servey of the achievements of bumanistic civilisation is a TV landmark" The daily mail In ...
We’re back in Burnley and Dave Fishwick is fighting the good fight all over again. But this time it’s the Payday Loan Companies who are looking to bring him down.
Nova ScienceNow examines the question of whether we can live forever. It looks scientists who are exploring hibernation and building organ replacements and profiles computer scientist Jason Leigh.
Three men go on a hunting trip deep in the Swedish forest. Things start well, but one day all the animals vanish and the forest turns eerily quiet, leaving the men alone as they insist the hunt must continue.
The world outside the forest has been ravaged by a deadly virus. Young Marko is faced with losing everything as he must journey through a shattered world, shrouded in silence and overtaken by the Infected and the conflict-torn remnants of humanity.